Sunday, August 19, 2007

What Next?

I'm almost finished with a big knit and I'm not sure what to do next, Probably something small. It's like when I finish reading a good book, I only want magazines for a while. I have some socks on the go of course but maybe I'll get some mitts done ready for when the weather cools off.
I went with a friend to Trentham Gardens today. it was a bit of a drive but we went in her car so I was able to knit and despite frequent showers we had a lovely day. I absolutely fell in love with a cardigan in Edinburgh Woollen Mills, a shop I claim to hate.It's camel coloured boiled wool with a needlefelted flower design.
Last Wednesday I took Millie to a workshop at the Angel Row Art Gallery which is in the same building as the library where I work. We had great fun making cloud mobiles

and kites. It was quite funny seeing the panic of the invigilators as a dozen or so under 5's ran around the gallery space 'flying' their sugar paper kites1

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