Friday, November 28, 2008


On Wednesday evening between the checkouts at Ikea and Rosemary's house I lost a little card wallet. I've stopped my cards but I'm still feeling really sad about it. Rosemary and Isabel bought it for me some years ago and it also held photos of Millie, Rosemary and my Dad. There were also some labels from an old Grocers store which used to be next to Dad's barber's shop which a friend found and passed on to me. My loyalty card at the coffee shop was due to give me a free coffee and I had only to buy 1 more meal deal at Boots to get a free lunch! I know in the great scheme of things it is unimportant but...........I cannot fathom out where or how I lost it and it is puzzling me. I keep looking in the car and stupidly in my bag but it just ain't there. I am going to have to move on.

1 comment:

Janiannie said...

So sorry to hear this! Just have one more look in your bag, Paul says I'm always rootling in mine but I swear things hide on purpose! I'll treat you to coffee in GJ next time to make up for the lost free one x