Thursday, June 5, 2008


The time came round again for Tot's time at Attenborough! The trouble with doing something regularly is that it seems to make time fly as it comes around again. This month we were looking at minibeasts which didn't appeal to Millie's friend Other-Millie and she kept running away screaming. Other-Millie's Mummy wasn't keen either but hid it better. We were having a good time and I even found a newt under a log. Then, halfway up a slope I found myself total stuck and off-balance, hanging backwards,just about horizontal and then toppling over backwards and rolling down the hill. Fortunately Other-Millie's Mummy was the only witness although questions were asked about the large patch of mud on my skirt. What nobody knew about was the large patch of mud on my leg! There must have been brambles too judging by the scratches on my arm. Of course I swore I was perfectly fine and at the time I was. I went a bit achy afterwards though.

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