Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Busy Day

It is a while since Millie and I did anything worth reporting but today we made up for it. This morning we visited Wheatcroft's garden centre where we saw two of Santa's reindeer. They were just outside the coffee shop so we could watch then while we shared my scone and Millie ate her crisps. Then a visit to the man himself which included a 'ride' on a sleigh to get there.

Santa understands little girls and her present was a teenage doll with extra clothes. Her mother's seasonal threats must have taken root though as Millie asked how come she had got a good present when she had been naughty.
This afternoon we saw We're going on a Bear Hunt at the Lakeside Arts Centre

It was really well done but they had introduced some poignant moments as their interpretation was that the mother had died - this was only hinted at, so it escaped comment by Millie who has a small child's fascination with dead mothers as featured in most fairy tales.

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