There are toiletries and lip balm which Carrie makes herself. How did she know I really needed new lip balm. These smell wonderful. There are post-its and notelets and fabulous chocolates- coffee flavoured (my favourite) caramels garnished with roasted salt (how fabulous) and a little bow of truffles so special that one is even gold! A stainless steel water bottle because somehow she knows I need to drink more water.
There is some grey hand spun, enough for a hat. How did she know I wanted to knit a grey hat? Is she hiding in my wardrobe?
And the shawl..................................
This is Percy and not only is he extremely handsome but he smells delicious too!
Remember the grey merino Carrie spun for me? Here it is now..
Just in time for this second spell of winter we seem to be having right on time for half-term holidays.
Lots of Thanks to Wonky Donkey. It's a truly great package.