These from himself
These from my brother
These from a friend
and these from another friend
and these from a colleague who I have worked with for several years
Why all the floristry? A very big birthday.
I also had presents! A coffee machine from the dear daughters, a Cath Kidston Knitting bag and picture frame from a friend, a cheque from 'the girls' a group of friends one of whom I have known since my first day at school the rest from Art college. From Janniannie a Touche Eclat and a very significant pendant. Mr M is buying my wedding shoes and bag (he doesn't yet know how much they cost) and also paid for Rosemary, Isabel and me to have a bronze day at Lakeside. What a wonderful day we enjoyed, swimming, sauna, a very lovely lunch, a manicure, a facial and a back massage. We managed a stroll around the garden too.
On Sunday, lunch had been booked at a pub in Swarkeston. I arrived expecting the family but I was delighted to find the afore mentioned 'Girls'. It was a complete surprise. Apparently I almost caught them having a drink outside, they had to move very quickly for old people to take cover inside! Also Isabel's James commented on a sports car parked outside."My friend has one of those" I told him...
Now we have the countdown to the wedding. Last night was the rehersal. The vicar fell up the step, Mr M fell down the same one, Rosemary is doing a reading and has a very sore throat. The pews on our side are really small so there isn't room for all the bridesmaids and Millie cried when we left her behind to pretend to sign the register. I'm sure it will be fine won't it?
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