Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tip of the stashberg

Just before Christmas the basket in which I keep my nicest/most pending yarn was cleared out and spruced up for a starring role in the festive Tot's time at the library as it was used by Bookstart Bear to bring in the presents (guess what - books) for the children. It has now been returned to it's everyday use and while it is still tidy, before it gets dumped on with needles and part balls and other flotsam I thought I would introduce it ;

I have found a 'back door' to my old blog. My original -mazzam- is inaccessible by any normal route but I have found that if I Google a term I used in the past and go in through by the history it brings up old posts. I don't know if I will do anything with it, I'm not sure if it would bear republishing, especially as it would be out of sequence, but it was good to read again about our last holidays and some of the outings with Millie from earlier in the year.

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